quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Compartilhando arquivos, informações e links


A digitalização de hoje das VHS do serviço que peguei para esta semana foi com filmes de interesse pessoal, por esta razão não postarei nada aqui. Então, para não ficarmos sem conteúdo, inicio a seção Compartilhando e posto itens que têm relação com a postagem de ontem.

Today, i don´t found share materials in the job i'm doing!

Abaixo, seguem links para downloads que encontrei em minhas garimpagens pela internet à fora. Trata-se de dois episódios da série animada Star Wars: Droids, 600mb cada arquivo, e da primeira temporada do desenho animado Transformers, de 1985. Deste último são 16 arquivos no formato AVI, têm aproximadamente 250mb cada e a duração aproximada dos vídeos é de 20 minutos. O idioma do áudio: português.

Below: links to downloads and information on episodes of the series
Wars: Droids and Transformers.

da Garimpoteca: compartilhando informações e links


Série animada de ficção científica, produção americana-canadense criada por  George Lucas, Ben Burtt, Raymond Jafelice, Clive A. Smith, Ken Stephenson para a Lucas Film, em 1985. Foram 13 episódios que contam as aventuras dos robôs C3PO e R2D2 presenças marcantes em todos os episódios da saga do cinema Star Wars (Guerra nas Estrelas). Dentre as vozes das personagens estão Anthony Daniels como C-3PO, Don Francks faz a voz de Jann Tosh, Boba Fett e Winston Rekert como Sise Fromm, Mungo Baobab e Graeme Campbell fazem Proto One, Peter MacNeill está por trás da voz de Jord Dusat, Taborah Johnson faz Jessica Meade, John Stocker faz as vozes de Vlix, Greej, Zatec-Cha e Sollag, Rob Cowan como  Thall Joben, Dan Hennessey faz Jord Dusat no episódio 4, Uncle Gundy, Jyn Obah, Vinga e Yorpa.


English: click on!

A Marvel Comics em 1986 e a Dark Horses em 1994 publicaram quadrinhos baseados na série animada.
The Marvel Comics and Dark Horses published in 1986 and 1994 comics from the animated series.

Episódios (Tradução em breve)

1 "The White Witch" September 7, 1985 1 After being jettisoned over the deserts of Ingo by an unscrupulous former master, C-3PO and R2-D2 are taken in by speeder bike racers Jord Dusat and Thall Joben. When they accidentally discover the location of the Trigon One, a secret weapon created by the criminal Fromm gang, Jord is kidnapped by Tig Fromm in order to silence him. Joined by Rebel spy Kea Moll, the droids assist Thall in rescuing Jord from Fromm's secret base, destroying much of Fromm's droid army in the process. 
Watch the episode (english audio only)

2 "Escape Into Terror" September 14, 1985 2 C-3PO, R2-D2, Thall and Kea sneak into the Fromm gang's secret base and steal the Trigon One weapon. 
3 "The Trigon Unleashed" September 21, 1985 3 Tig Fromm kidnaps Jord and Kea's mother and refuses to release them unless Thall reveals the location of the Trigon One. Thall does so and the prisoners are released. However, when Tig pilots the space weapon back to his father Sise Fromm's base he discovers Thall has sabotaged the controls and programmed the Trigon One to collide with the Fromms' base. 
4 "A Race to the Finish" September 28, 1985 4 The team travel to the planet Boonta to take part in a speeder racing event, but are followed by the Fromms who enlist Boba Fett to exact their revenge on the speeder racers. After failing to stop Thall winning the race, losing his droid, speeder and almost his life in the process, Fett turns on the Fromms and decides to claim a bounty placed on them by Jabba the Hutt. Thal, Jord and Kea are offered jobs by Zebulon Dak to work at his speeder corporation, but they refuse when they realise the droids would have to be re-programmed. R2-D2 and C-3PO choose to leave their masters so they can take the job.
5 "The Lost Prince" October 5, 1985 5 C-3PO, R2-D2 and their new master, Jann Tosh, befriend a mysterious alien disguised as a droid. Captured by crimelord Kleb Zellock, they are forced to mine Nergon-14, a valuable unstable mineral used in proton torpedoes, which Zellock plans to sell to the Empire. In the mines they meet Sollag, who identifies their friend as Mon Julpa, Prince of the Tammuz-an. Together they defeat the crimelord and escape the mines before they are destroyed in a Nergon-14 explosion.
Tem na garimpoteca: [Tesouros do planeta desconhecido]
6 "The New King" October 12, 1985 6 The Droids, Jann, Mon Julpa and Sollag, along with freighter pilot Jessica Meade, travel to Tammuz-an to thwart Zatec-Cha, an evil vizier with ambitions to seize the throne of Tammuz-an. Special Guest Star: IG-88.
7 "The Pirates of Tarnoonga" October 19, 1985 7 While delivering much needed fuel to Tammuz-an, the ship is hijacked by the notorious (yet diminutive) pirate, Kybo Ren-Cha. Jann, Jessica and the Droids are captured and taken to the water planet Tarnoonga. C-3P0, R2-D2 and Jann must re-capture the fuel shipment and rescue Jessica from the lascivious advances of Capt. Kybo Ren - but first they have to survive the Miridon! [Tem na garimpoteca: Os piratas e o príncipe]
8 "The Revenge of Kybo Ren" October 26, 1985 8 Kybo Ren escapes and kidnaps Gerin, the daughter of Lord Toda, Mon Julpa's political rival. The Droids, Jann and Jessica follow Kybo Ren to the planet Bogden to rescue her before Mon Julpa is handed over in exchange. However the tables are turned when Mon Julpa reveals Lord Toda and a squad of Tammuz-an soldiers smuggled aboard the pirate's own ship. Kybo Ren is sent back to prison and an alliance is forged between Mon Julpa and Lord Toda. Jessica, however, decides its time to return to her freighter business on Tyne's Horkny, saying a sad good-bye to her friends.
9 "Coby and the Starhunters" November 2, 1985 13 C-3P0 and R2-D2 are assigned to chapperone Lord Toda's young son, Coby, only to be captured by smugglers. They are eventually rescued by Jann only for the Droids to learn that he has been accepted into the Imperial Space Academy, leaving them once again masterless and on their own. 
10 "Tail of the Roon Comets" November 9, 1985 9 Mungo Baobab, with R2-D2 and C-3PO in tow, begins searching for the powerful Roon Stones, but runs into an imperial entanglement. 
11 "The Roon Games" November 16, 1985 10 Having escaped, Mungo Baobab, C-3PO and R2-D2 once again make their way for the planet Roon but it turns out they haven't seen the last of Koong. 
12 "Across the Roon Sea" November 23, 1985 11 Mungo Baobab has just about given up hope on finding Roon stones and together with the droids are about to return to Manda (Baobab's home planet). 
13 "The Frozen Citadel" November 30, 1985 12 Mungo Baobab and the Droids continue their search for the Roon stones but General Koong makes trouble for our heroes.
(Guia de episódios: Wikipedia.)

A série foi lançada em DVD nos Estados Unidos e foi produzido um especial para televisão entitulado The Great Heep. [parte 1 link] [parte 2 link]


A number of Transformer in comics: #1. More links? olegalzao@gmail.com

O último ítem é também um link para download. Trata-se de um arquivo pdf com uma boa matéria sobre o Vila Sésamo, que é a versão brasileira da série Sesame Street, que escrevi para o blog O Pino Aberto. No arquivo existem também outras coisas boas além desta matéria.
(Sorry, the content of this text and the link below only interest someone
who undenstand portuguese tongue! Has no necessity to translate it.

Vila Sésamo

Interesses / interests:  olegalzao@gmail.com

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Please, use the commentary box to help us to make the blog usefull and good.

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